Intertribal Organization Opportunity: Support for Tribal Clean Energy Communication and Engagement

Want to boost your Tribe’s access to DOE clean energy funds and support? The DOE is looking to strengthen communication and lasting bonds between Tribal leaders and DOE staff. Apply by September 24, 2024, at 3:00 PM ET. Don’t miss their Objective Strategy Session on August 15, 2024, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM ET—RSVP here!

Digital Equity Competitive Grant

Looking to increase digital access in your community? Check out the Digital Equity Competitive Grant! Eligible groups, including Indian Tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations, can apply on the NTIA Grants Portal. Deadline: September 23, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET. Apply now!

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program

The EECBG program helps states, local governments, and Tribes cut energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and increase efficiency. Tribes now have until May 31, 2025, to apply. Join their biweekly Tribal office hours every Thursday at 4:00 PM ET with the next one on August 8, 2024!

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program and National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program

Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, $1.3 billion is up for grabs for state, regional, Tribal, and local governments! This grant targets charging stations at multi-family housing and popular destinations. Apply by August 28, 2024!

Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants

The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) is your ticket to greener energy! It grants funds to farmers and rural businesses for renewable energy upgrades. If you’re a small business in a rural spot, even a Tribal corporation, you’re in the game. Don’t miss out—applications close on September 30, 2024!


National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference

From September 9th to 12th, the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska, will host the third National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals. Speakers from around the world will share insights on tackling climate impacts on communities and the environment.

Alaska Rural Energy Annual Conference

From October 2nd to 4th, the Alaska Rural Energy Annual Conference will take place at the Westmark Hotel in Fairbanks. It aims to unite energy stakeholders to promote economic development, sustainability, and energy security. Additionally, on September 30th, the DOE’s Office of Energy Justice and Equity will host the Community Benefits, Jobs, and Energy Economic Forum, connecting Alaskans and Native entities with key resources.


Kawerak-Region Tribal Research Protocols, Guidelines, Expectations & Best Practices

Kawerak Inc., a regional nonprofit in northern Alaska, released a detailed declaration of Tribal autonomy and a call for ethical, collaborative research practices that honors the spirit of partnership and respect. This is a great read with details to ensure that cultural sensitivities are at the forefront of collaborations with Indigenous communities, especially in the energy space.